Monday, October 6, 2008

ONE piece of candy...PLEASE?

I'm SOOOOO not over exaggerating when I say Payten was doing this for a half an hour plus! I gave her ONE piece of candy....this is the biggest reason she rarely gets candy, it's like toddler speed! Here are two pictures of Riley during Paytens little can see her thoughts... "are you kidding me? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER?" hahaha yes she had these expressions the whole half hour or so, she seemed so confused, scared, weirded out, and maybe a little excited for this new entertainment.


Derick and Becky said...

Hey at least it is entertaining Riley! Seriously though, sugar and kids do not go well together!!

April Kennedy said...

We used to think that soda did it to Kaia, you know we would eat out, she would order root beer and than be crazy. Well since eating at home, with no root beer, she is still a little ball of engery after dinner. It is a full stomach that does it to her...bummer. Can't quit giving her that.

Loved Riley's facial expressions in the pictures!



Gma Mills said...

So funny! Love Payten's sugar-high thrashing and Riley's expressions!