Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Behind every 1 1/2 year old

Or should I say behind our 1 1/2 year old....
Is a sneaky 3 year old!!!! Today Payten got put in time out for being the little bird in Riley's ear telling her to do everything she knows Riley is not supposed to do...example: I heard her whispering in Riley's ear to climb up on the couch arm!!!!!!!!!! yes that is how she got hurt yesterday and YES she knows that they are getting in big trouble from now on when they are caught doing that. little sneak, she just wanted to be able to tell on her little sister!
Payten also had a lot of fun today making a rainbow (yeah this is totally random and has nothing to do with the post other than I think she's cute.......SNEAKY! but cute) :)



Ummmmm....can I say Kelly????