Saturday, May 16, 2009


CONGRATULATIONS! you have passed the March 20-21 2009 CFP Certification examination!!!! the national pass rate was 52.3%

this was a two day test that he has been taking classes for and studying for years to take. HUNDREDS of HOURS of studying at the library every day after work, weekends, every spare second, full time week long cram course. ALL finished! It is SO hard to pass and he did it!!! I can't express how happy and proud I am of him, I get to have him all to myself now and dont have to compete with text books....YEAH!

He's pretty much AWESOME!


Kelly said...

This is so exciting!!!!

The San Diego Mills said...

That is so great! What an accomplishment for him and for you also! I know the feeling of having a husband who has to study every spare moment he has. That's been our story for the past 2 years, but after next Thursday no more! Very excited for you and me!

Megan said...

Yea!!!! I hate taking tests, but it is nice when they are over and you have passed. What an accomplishment.

the mrazek family said...

Yay for John!!! Who knew my little brother was so flippin' smart? This is great news and we are so happy for him!!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! You should celebrate... hey maybe to celebrate, you could go out on the town with your girlfriends... just a thought